At the height of the 2008 banking crisis, Antonio Maria Costa, then head of the United Nations office on drugs and crime, said he had evidence to suggest the proceeds from drugs and crime were “the only liquid investment capital” available to banks on the brink of collapse. “Inter-bank loans were funded by money that originated from the drugs trade,” he said. “There were signs that some banks were rescued that way.”
Tag: Wachovia
How Banks Launder Drug Money Without Going to Jail
DEA Launders Drug Profits for Mexican Cartels

The Drug Enforcement Administration has new methods for enforcing drugs on the American public, similar to the ATF’s strategy of letting guns ‘walk’.
If you are an important member of an alleged Mexican Drug Cartel, you can have your money laundered, transferred and traced by the Drug Enforcement Administration, at an affordable price guaranteed to perpetuate the Drug War on Americans.