ATF Gunwalking Dates From 2006 – Mad Dawgs, Prosecutors and Smugglers

Former U.S. Attorney Paul Charlton represents the family of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry, slain last year in a firefight near Arivaca. He is preparing legal action concerning the incident.

Tim Stellar, of the Arizona Daily Star, interviewed Mr. Charlton concerning the discovery of a Bush era ‘gunwalking’ operation that allowed hundreds of firearms to be smuggled into Mexico.

ATF Gunrunner Impact Team Releases Chart of Guns and Blood Flowing into Mexico

Chart of blood red tracks obtained from CBS News indicates the rivers of blood that flow from the ATF guns that ‘walked.’ Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) Phoenix Field Division Special Agent William Newell wrote this to his personal friend, Kevin M. O’Reilly of the White House National Security staff.